Salasya Roasts Babu Owino ,Accuses ODM For Being Greedy
'Babu of ODM who is on record on defending baba on weakening opposition ati he is now our chief opposition ?'' Salasya wrote on his Instagram.

Mumias East Member of Parliament Peter Salasya has reacted to Embakasi East Member of Parliament Babu owino's self declaration as the chief opposition leader in Kenya.
Salasya finds this self appointment tmical, considering Babu Owino's history of defending former Prime minister and ODM party leader Raila Odinga for weakening the opposition.
''Babu of ODM who is on record on defending baba on weakening opposition ati he is now our chief opposition ?'' Salasya wrote on his Instagram.
The Mumias East member of Parliament has accused ODM of being greedy and wanting to have a stake in everything from government positions to house leadership roles. Despite them already being in government, they have seemingly not been satisfied and still continue to push for more power.
Salasya believes that the Genz should remain to be the true opposition and should hold the government accountable.
''Jokes wacha tu Genz iendelee kuwa opposition to presst the govenment . ODM is greedy for everything.They are in government still want to be in house leadership, pac ,minority leader ,chiefwhip,chief opposition leader ,wao ati ndio marginalised community aaaiii'' he lamented higlighting the position of the Gen Z in the government.
We must stop this kind of greediness. Genz ndio dawa pekee to the gvt and must not die or stop calling out what they feel is not good for the country
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