Kenya's Attorney General Advocates for Constitutional Review Amid Changing Dynamics

Dorcas Oduor, the Attorney General, highlighted on Monday that significant changes have occurred over the 15 years since Kenya's current constitution was adopted. She emphasized that the constitution is now ripe for review due to shifts in geopolitical, social, and economic landscapes. Oduor cited South Africa as an example, where they reviewed their constitution after just 10 years, necessitating various amendments and inclusions.
The Attorney General stressed that while a constitutional review is necessary for Kenya, it must be a collective effort, not something that can be undertaken by an individual. She underscored that the process should involve the people and their representatives, with her role, and that of her office, being primarily advisory.
Oduor's comments come amid calls from Opposition leader Raila Odinga for constitutional amendments. Odinga has advocated for revisiting the Bomas draft constitution, suggesting it be reassessed and refined to create a more progressive framework. He also reiterated his administration's commitment to strengthening the opposition for enhanced transparency and accountability, proposing the formalization of the Office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary within the Constitution.
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